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[Comment from Mr. F] I am very happy that many people saw it through the wedding and everyone said it was beautiful.

We received an order from a husband who wanted to make his wife look like Cinderella at their wedding, and we received an order for glass slippers that they can actually wear!

We received a lot of wonderful photos, so we would like to introduce them to you.

★★Click here for your impressions★★

My name is F and I made glass shoes last year.

I promised to send you a photo of myself wearing the glass slippers at the wedding, but I'm late, but I managed to take the photo, so I'll send it to you.

Once again, thank you very much for making the glass shoes.

I'm so happy that so many people saw me through the wedding and everyone said I look beautiful.

I was able to take a photo that looked like Cinderella, so I was very satisfied.

thank you

beautiful bride

cinderella shoes

Time to wear real glass slippers

Thank you very much for choosing us as a gift for someone special to you!

Thank you very much for the wonderful images that will leave you spellbound!

I sincerely wish the two of you, your families, and those around you continued development and good health!

thank you!

Click here for [Popular ranking by scene] of Emma, ​​the wearable glass slipper that turns your beloved into Cinderella.