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[Comment from Mr. T] It's amazing to see the real thing! ! One word!

We purchased the glass slipper Emma as a surprise for our wedding!

I'm sure the guests were excited to see the surprise while watching over them!

★★Click here for your impressions★★

It’s amazing to see it in real life! ! That's all I can say!

At first I couldn't get it right from the photos, but when I saw it in real life, it was amazing! ! That's all I can say!

The ceremony went off without a hitch, and the surprise glass slipper was able to be worn safely!

It was so exciting that most of the women were in tears! This is all thanks to Emma!

It was a memorable ceremony and I am so happy that I was able to get a very nice glass slipper!

I'm really glad I asked Emma!

Impressive glass shoes in real life

Cinderella's glass slipper is every woman's dream.

It's so wonderful to be a real Cinderella in a blue dress!

Click here for [Popular ranking by scene] of Emma, ​​the wearable glass slipper that turns your beloved into Cinderella.