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[Comment from Mr. M] The confession from the groom went well!

As a surprise for your wedding reception,

I ordered a pair of glass shoes that you can actually wear.

★★Click here for your impressions★★

This is M, who bought glass shoes the other day.

We used glass slippers at the reception.

The plan is for guests to wear glass slippers and search for the bride.

Men and women of all ages wore them, and the groom's confession went well.

I'm really thankful to you.

Confession at the reception!

Congratulations on your great success!

Look at the photo of Mr. M's confession scene.

We were all moved together! ! !

Your wife is very happy! !

It is wonderful!

I am very happy that everyone who attended the reception enjoyed it.

May you be happy forever.

thank you!

confession from a man

A touching confession

wedding surprise

Click here for [Popular ranking by scene] of Emma, ​​the wearable glass slipper that turns your beloved into Cinderella.